
“Because when the college and the police won’t do anything you can use it for your civil suit”

Hilarious segment on The Daily Show last night that looked at the absurd case at James Madison University where frat boys who sexually assaulted a fellow student, filmed it, and then passed the video around to others, were punished only by “expulsion after graduation.”

It was awesome Stewart took time out to talk about this specific case, but what comedian Jessica Williams did in the silly then sad skit on The Daily Show, was walk through the reality of what women have to do to protect ourselves.  The audience laughed… uncomfortably.  I watched wishing it was as absurd as it should have been. But this is the new America. Watch:


This survivor of college sexual assault has a few words for George Will

Jesse broke the story for us earlier this week that Washington Post columnist George Will thinks that colleges working to fight sexual assault are breeding an environment that makes “victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges” to students.  Well people are speaking out.

We have had thousands of you demand that George Will not only apologize but that the Washington Post fire him and more are speaking out each day. Today, a young woman who is a survivor of a sexual assault that occurred on her campus is speaking out too.  Thanks to this video by the women’s rights advocacy group UltraViolet, Elizabeth is sharing her story and how comments like George Will’s bring back all of those hurtful and traumatic memories.

“It’s been four years since I was raped, in my junior year of college. I’m finally at a place when the pain and trauma doesn’t dominate my life anymore. But when I read the Washington Post this week George Will’s words brought back that same fear and doubt I experienced when I was attacked,” said Elizabeth in a statement from UltraViolet. “The Washington Post needs to take a stand against rape and violence, and the first step is firing George Will.”

“The past week has seen the Washington Post devolve to violent and shameful rhetoric that normalizes rape and violence against women. In the face of a national epidemic of sexual violence, The Washington Post should take a stand against rape– starting by firing George Will,” said Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet. “From mocking survivors to misleading the public on demands for college sexual assault reform and blaming women for violence against them– the Post has left the realm of honest debate and entered the realm of hate-speech and dog whistles.”


This Guy Thinks if Evolution is Real Rape is Ok

Let’s say you’re a creationist and believe that everything is created by a holy entity.  That includes bad things too right? Like rape. Hey, if God made all things then He must have also made rape, right?

That same logic was applied by creationist Darek Isaacs only the other way around about evolution. Our genius friends at RawStory.com have this messed up video they captured:

“You have to start asking questions: Well, if evolution is true, and it’s just all about the male propagating their DNA, we had to ask hard questions, like, well, is rape wrong?” Isaacs said. Listen for the gasp heard off camera as if someone heard that and thought – you sick stupid moron what the hell is wrong with you. Or maybe she saw a bug… who knows.

“According to the evolutionary worldview, [if] that male is strong enough and he had wonderful genes, he should propagate his DNA as much as possible so that the species can progress,” Isaacs said. “So it redefines everything about our society.”

Back in January 2014, a Republican pollster spoke to the GOP House Caucus retreat and instructed them

“[GOP Pollster] Kellyanne Conway dispensed the stern advice as part of a polling presentation she made alongside fellow GOP pollsters David Winston — an adviser to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) — and Dave Sackett. The comment was described by several sources in the room.

Conway said rape is a “four-letter word,” and Republicans simply need to stop talking about it in their races for office.”

Seriously. Just, stop. Unless you are advocating for stopping rape – stop talking about it.

H/t Rawstory, Politico


A Guide for Dudes: Here’s What to Do and What Not To Do

I’d just finished a fun dinner with my bestest girl friends, jumped in my hot car and took off the shirt that I was wearing over my low cut tanktop and cranked on the A/C.  I stopped on the way home at a 7-11 to fill my car up with gas, but before I got out of the car I grabbed the shirt and put it back on over my tanktop.  Why did I do this?

As a Millennial woman, I was raised in a culture that has taught me that if I don’t want to get raped I need to take steps to prevent the rape.  In the sex-ed classes across the southern states like the ones where I grew up, we spread lies in abstinence only education, we shame girls and women for what they wear, God forbidyour breast be exposed during the halftime game at the Superbowl. But we never teach our sons and men this key message: ASK CONSENT FIRST.

Here’s one way to do it:
