Watch Paul Ryan go off in the IRS hearing

Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) must be feeling the pressure of his election, because he totally lost his cool in the Republican’s fake IRS hearing Friday morning.

“This is unbelievable,” Congressman Ryan shouted at IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. “That’s your problem. Nobody believes you.”
Koskinen responded, “I have a long career. That’s the first time anyone’s said I don’t believe you.”
“I don’t believe you,” Ryan yelled back.

Most Americans seem to be “over” this idea of using Congress as a political tool to fulfill partisan attacks and bully the White House and all of the agencies. At least the historically low approval rating of Congress seem to indicate that.

The facts about what the IRS did are more than clear: the IRS subjected political groups to greater scrutiny, but as it turns out, they were harder on liberal groups than they were on tea party groups.

So simmer down Congressman and stop wasting taxpayer’s time and money on your political games.


How Darrell Issa Saved ACORN

Today the IRS announced that it is going to “scrap proposed rules governing the political activities of 501(c)(4) social-welfare groups” according to the National Review.

There were a number of proposed regulations that came after Congressman Darrell Issa’s investigation into the IRS’s targeting of Tea Party groups that got non-profit status but were still doing “political activity” including voter education and registration. What the IRS was going to do is kind of say “to hell with all y’all” and take away everyone’s ability to do this more than 50% of their time … including groups like ACORN.

What Darrell Issa and the Tea Party never fully realized is that the investigation proved that it was PROGRESSIVE groups that were targeted more by the IRS than right-wing teabagger types. And this new rule would have made it very difficult for progressive organizations to do what they do.

According to a Breaking News alert from Politico​, “the IRS said it will draft entirely new regulations. The current rules have been on the books since 1959.”

None of this would have happened without Darrell Issa. We wouldn’t have known Progressive groups were getting targeted, and because of the uprising from the Tea Party – these regulations were thrown out, saving groups like ACORN. Great work guys!!
