
You’ll be Cheering for This Momma & baby Bear Climbing This Mountain

Did you know bears could rock climb?  I’ve been rock climbing, and I love it, but the idea of scaling up the side of a cliff without a harness or a partner to ensure I’m safe if I slip is a heck of a lot more appealing than what these guys attempt.  Your heart will be with the baby bear as he struggles to get his footing. So scary!

Like this video? Check out the elephant that loves a good lullaby from his caretaker.  


What happens after this woman sings this elephant a lullaby is so beautiful

This will hit you right in the feels. This woman works as a caretaker for elephants in Thailand’s Elephant Nature Park. Each elephant gets a caretaker and their bond can get quite strong. Take a look at how the elephant Faa Mai reacts around his caretaker.

If you like this check out this sea lion playing with a little girl. Be sure to watch what the sea lion does when this little girl falls!
