border children

Jon Stewart Discovered the Source of the Problem on Immigration Reform

All we need is for Congress to sit down and reason together, Stewart said. Well, we all know what happened. Nothing.  Again.  Thanks Congress. Your momma must be so proud.

There are so many questions here.  Namely, how does Congress see something like this and not feel a huge sense of shame.  And how do voters not see the disgusting dysfunction and start holding members responsible while they are back home in their districts this summer?

Jon Stewart: “I mean, this is so insane.  We had an urgent crisis on the southern border. The President offers his solution. The Senate can’t even get theirs to an up or down vote. And the House passes a draconian version that somehow moves to the right of itself. At this point can anything be done?”

Enter John Boehner: “There are numerous steps the President can and should take that do not need Congressional action”

Stewart: “Did John Boehner just suggest that if Congress can’t pass a bill to change a law it doesn’t like that the President should?  Cause… I’m pretty sure there’s a guy right now suing the President for…..  that….“
