
Why does Russell Brand know more about austerity than most of Washington?

At a 50,000 person march on London’s Parliament Square expressing opposition to recent austerity measures by the coalition government, comedian Russell Brand spoke more truth about the struggle of working families than U.S. Republicans have this legislative session!

While Brand is talking about his hometown of Grays, Essex, he could just as easily be talking about parts of Ohio or Detroit where job losses have crippled vibrant cities where working families once thrived.

“Where I grew up … I felt like there were low expectations, low possibilities for people. People like me didn’t have a lot of opportunity. And I was presented with a marvelous glistening spectacle. I remember as a kid when they built Lakeside Shopping Center I felt it would be the best thing that happened in my town and my community. Little did I realize that what that would do is suck the life out of the town center, destroy the tithe of community and along with the erosion of jobs in that area … it brought to it’s knees a community of proud working people. This is an issue that affects the 100%.”
