7 Awesome Photos Assembling The Statue of Liberty
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” the Statue of Liberty’s plaque reads. Nothing could be more American than that.
The tablet she holds is inscribed JULY IV MDCCLXXVI – Roman numerals for July 4, 1776, Independence Day, when our founding fathers signed paperwork declaring that the King of England could suck it. Nearly three centuries before anyone had heard of “freedom fries,” the colonist rebels and the French fought side-by-side against the King’s men; years after American independence had been won, a birthday present arrived from Paris. Sculpted by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, she stands 151 feet high. She’s survived terrorist threats and climate change as well as supernatural beings (Ghostbusters) floods and freeze (The Day After Tomorrow) on film. But 149 years ago we began what could be considered the Ikea project of all time. These are the photos: