Author: Sarah Burris

John Oliver Gets Help from Sarah Silverman in Crusade is Against Predatory Lenders

Many have tried – few have succeeded – to take out the predatory loan industry. These are companies that convince people who are desperate for cash to get by for a few days with a few hundred bucks typically advanced on a coming paycheck or a car title, but with like a 400% interest rate. John Oliver gets a little help from comedian Sarah Silverman who gives you a few other options instead of going to a Pay Day Loan shark.



9 Photos of the Secret Service Looking Badass

White House Photographer Pete Souza and his team are known for capturing some of the most remarkable moments of our time. They watch as major events stand on the welcome mat of history and with skill and talent, they bring to us the art of one brief moment. I watch the WH Flickr feed with a kind of childlike wide-eyed awe each time they upload new sets. But here’s a collection you’ll find funny. I guess Souza is taking a little enjoyment capturing some of these Secret Service agents.  Here are some of the best:


Everything is more badass in black and white.

white house secret service


Look casual? I can do casual.



Never let ‘em see you sweat.



I’m gonna open the hell outa that door.



This guy has a serious “Game Face.”



This ain’t no kickline.


These guys have seen the Hitchcock movie North by Northwest.



Bad guys can hide anywhere



BONUS: This is the shooting range for the Secret Service… I don’t know about you but I can barely see the targets. That’s hard core.


h/t The White House Photostream



Which is More Old Fashioned: Mad Men or Congress? Christina Hendricks Knows

Earlier this year, during President Obama’s State of the Union Address made a Mad Men reference that got him a lot of attention:

“Today, women make up about half our workforce. But they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014, it’s an embarrassment. A woman deserves equal pay for equal work. She deserves to have a baby without sacrificing her job. A mother deserves a day off to care for a sick child or sick parent without running into hardship – and you know what, a father does, too. It’s time to do away with workplace policies that belong in a “Mad Men” episode.”

Well, now Funny or Die has an awesome new video up with Christina Hendricks of Mad Men talking about today’s modern offices


Hey Scott Walker What Good Are Boner Pills If My Girlfriend Can Get Pregnant

Another video coming at you from our friends over at holding Governor Scott Walker accountable for hatin’ on the ladies. In this episode, one dude wants to know why Walker lets pharmacists refuse to give you birth control pills but they can’t deny dudes their boner pills?  Anyone have any ideas why this might be?


Hillary Clinton’s Surprise Appearance on The Colbert Report

Well that was unexpected… Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is moving into a new downtown NYC office, so when Colbert talked about ragercising to HRC’s New York Times Best Seller Hard Choices and remarked “how can she be everywhere at once?!” guess who happened to appear?


Unexpected Ally in Church/State Divide Fight: the Church

We discovered this recent video on YouTube this week.  An inspirational Christian “praise song” that advocates for the separation of church and state. There are some pretty awesome lefty religious institutions out there (I’m looking at some of my friends in San Francisco), but I’ll admit I was surprised to see something like this. Listen to the lyrics – it might be unexpected, but it’s absolutely something we can all stand behind. God bless the Internet – it’ll bring you all sorts of things!  Check it out:



Jon Stewart Discovered the Source of the Problem on Immigration Reform

All we need is for Congress to sit down and reason together, Stewart said. Well, we all know what happened. Nothing.  Again.  Thanks Congress. Your momma must be so proud.

There are so many questions here.  Namely, how does Congress see something like this and not feel a huge sense of shame.  And how do voters not see the disgusting dysfunction and start holding members responsible while they are back home in their districts this summer?

Jon Stewart: “I mean, this is so insane.  We had an urgent crisis on the southern border. The President offers his solution. The Senate can’t even get theirs to an up or down vote. And the House passes a draconian version that somehow moves to the right of itself. At this point can anything be done?”

Enter John Boehner: “There are numerous steps the President can and should take that do not need Congressional action”

Stewart: “Did John Boehner just suggest that if Congress can’t pass a bill to change a law it doesn’t like that the President should?  Cause… I’m pretty sure there’s a guy right now suing the President for…..  that….“


Rember Kids, The Safest Sex is Cybersex

Chances are … this is NSFW:

Republicans are talking a lot about sex lately because they either don’t like women having it or they want to control women and their sexuality.  So what’s a girl to do? I know! Late 90’s Cybersex!  What is more safe than getting your groove on when your partner is in a whole different decade?!  Let me show you how:

Let’s hope when things heat up she doesn’t get a busy signal!


Rep Steve King Isn’t Impeaching Except He Is.

How is it possible that you can literally change your story in less than 60 seconds while on national television Well, thats exactly what happened this Wednesday morning when Rep. Steve King went on CNN!

Do you suppose the GOP takes special trapeze lessons to be able to straddle an issue that well?  Or maybe it’s a special bottle of Congressal™.  Congressal™ is a new drug that emulates schizophrenia.  It helps elected officials be two people at once so they can be on both sides of an issue.

Congressal™ – never be wrong – always get reelected. Ask for it by name.




OKCupid didn’t really mess with you, so don’t freak out

So everyone has been flipping out this month because all these online websites like Facebook(1) and OKCupid(2) have been experimenting on their users.  To be fair, Facebook actually manipulated your newsfeed to try and alter your mood. Facebook literally emotionally manipulated you with what you were viewing in your newsfeed.  As Chris Hayes pointed out, Facebook even did this for the purpose of their advertisers which helps them make money.  OKCupid did their experiments for the purpose of helping their users find looooove.

So here’s what really happened.  First, OKCupid took profile photos off their profile pages.  Result:  Their entire website tanked.  Seriously. Check this out:


The other experiment they did was about the match percentage based on the questions OKCupid asks you. So, let’s say Mindy likes NASCAR and TruckNuts – she gets 100% match with Darrell who LOVES TruckNuts and NASCAR but only 50% Match with his other brother Darrell who loves Monster Trucks and NASCAR but didn’t mention his affinity for TruckNuts because he didn’t want to scare the ladies off.

What OKCupid did was switch the percentages around. Mindy got 100% on someone she really only had about a 50% chance or 30% chance of liking. And you know what they found???? The percentages didn’t really matter. People still messaged people based on if they were hot or not.

And this one:

Via OK Cupid:

“As you can see, the ideal situation is the lower right: to both be told you’re a good match, and at the same time actually be one. OkCupid definitely works, but that’s not the whole story. And if you have to choose only one or the other, the mere myth of compatibility works just as well as the truth.”

Footnote 1: Facebook Study.

Footnote 2: OKCupid Study.

